Sunday, January 27, 2013

Wine in life

I have been drinking wine for many years. My parents decided that if I was going to learn to drink responsibly, then I would need to start from an early age and learn what I was dealing with. This was a great idea on their part, as it gave me a long time to learn how to drink, and it gave me some idea of what I was talking about and what I liked as I moved further into the world of alcohol.
I've had wine with many dinners throughout the years, sometimes at home, and very often when over at parents' friends homes. I've experienced many different varieties since I've been exposed to the different tastes of many individuals, some of whom have been wine connoisseurs for decades. I've found out many things about my tastes so far with regards to wine. I definitely prefer red wine to white wine, except in the case of a good moscato. I also enjoy pink wines, or rosés, such as white merlot and to a lesser degree, white zinfandel. The wine I've come to like the best is cabernet sauvignon, since I've had very few that I dislike. I have also enjoyed some of the malbecs that I have had, and often there will be a merlot or other that I enjoy as well.
This class seems to have lots that would really interest me. I'm definitely looking forward to learning about good combinations of wine and food. I used to have a neighbor who knew just what wine went with what food, and would bring over multiple wines to match each course of the meal when we had him over. Getting into some of the pairings would be really cool, and would make meals even better! I'm also looking forward to learning about the process of making wine. I know the basics, but I've never really heard the behind the scenes stuff to know what really goes on, whether or not it's a complicated process, etc. Finally, I'm looking forward to learning about some of the regions that produce the wines I like to drink. I love geography and travel, and getting to know a bit about each of the places that produce certain specialties should be really interesting!

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